Vitamin D positively influences athletic performance by improving strength, power, speed, cardio respiratory fitness, reaction time, coordination, and body composition. Debatable opinion exists regarding the exact role of Vitamin–D (Vit–D) which is supplemented in the form of Vit–D3 to improve sports performance. Proper dose of Vit–D3 supplementation among athletes has been recommended since lower Vit–D level is a common feature in athletes. Direct association of Vit–D level and athletic performance has not yet been confirmed. The present attempt was aimed to review the concept of Vit–D induced improvement in athletic performance and also to explore the guidelines of Vit–D3 supplementation improve health and performance in adolescent athletes. Methods or strategy adopted to search literatures: A systematic analysis of the scientific literature was undertaken to find as many studies as possible that reported the information related to Vit–D. Studies published during 1975 to 2013 were searched. The key words used in this search procedure were Vit–D supplementation, athletes, dose of Vit–D, mechanism of action of Vit–D and synthesis of Vit–D. Only published, full-text manuscripts written in the English language were included. A systematic literature search has been followed in different internet databases, viz., google, MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science and Researchgate. Various hard copies of text books and journals were also consulted from different institutional libraries to ensure exhaustive literature search. This entire search procedure fetched 439 articles which underwent initial screening process. Reference lists of the initially screened articles were also screened and relevant articles were again considered and further screened for the purpose of this review. All the abstracts were thoroughly read to judge its suitability. When the title and abstract provided insufficient data to ensure an article’s eligibility, the full text paper was retrieved and analysed. After that the article was consulted if it provided explicitly any new information, otherwise it was excluded or used as a supportive reference. The article which was found irrelevant in the context of the objective of the present review was also excluded.
Keywords: Athletic performance; Fitness profile; Im-munity; Muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia; UV rays, Vit–D
Published on: Dec 30, 2016 Pages: 19-24
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DOI: 10.17352/jfsnt.000005
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