Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Therapy Submit Manuscript

    Editorial Board

    Alice Maria Correia Vilela
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Agronomy
    University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

    I received a BSc in enology and a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD). I am an Assistant Professor at UTAD and a Chemistry Research Centre – Vila Real member. I have Published 80 articles in international scientific journals, seven technical papers, 12 book chapters, and 85 publications in conference proceedings. Supervised Ph.D. and master's thesis besides having supervised works of completion for Bach. / Degree in the field of Biological Sciences. I received two awards. I am currently involved in three research projects, and my lines of research are linked with studies on volatile acidity bio-reduction in wines, wine microbiology, and food and wine sensory evaluation. In my professional activities, I have interacted with more than 110 researchers in co-authorships of scientific papers. I am an active reviewer for Food Research International, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Food Chemistry International, Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, and MDPI Journals (Foods, Fermentation, Beverages, Molecules, International Journal of Molecular Sciences and Materials); Academic Editor of Asian Research Journal of Agriculture, International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, and the Insights in Organic & Inorganic Chemistry Journal and Editorial Board Member of Journal of Agriculture and Crops and Fermentation (MDPI)

     Research Interest: wine microbiology; volatile acidity bio-reduction; wines bio-dealcoholisation; food sensory evaluation; wine sensory evaluation.

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    Tunde Jurikova
    University of Constantine the Philosopher

    Research Interest: Area of Expertise: Chemical Analyses of Fruit and Vegetable, Bioactive compounds, Antioxidant activity, Nutrition of children and Imuno Deficiences, Coeliac Disease and Diet, Herbalplant and Immunesystem.

    More Info.
    Marc Romina Alina
    PhD Eng., Lecturer
    Food engineering
    University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca

    Marc (maiden name Vlaic) Romina Alina has completed her Ph.D. (Agronomy) in 2015 at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM) of Cluj-Napoca (Romania). She is PhD Eng., Lecturer and she is responsible for the research activity in the Vegetable food quality control, Rheology in the food industry,  Quality management systems and Food safety of the Faculty of Food Science and Technology,  UASVM Cluj-Napoca. She has published 36 research articles on the development of innovative food products and bioactive compound traceability during processing in reputed journals. She was responsible for 7 research projects and won 2 national awards and 42 international awards. Member in professional associations: Slow Food International; Association of Food Industry Specialists in Romania (ASIAR), from education, research and production; Association of Specialists in Milling and Baking in Romania.

    Research Interest : Nutrition, Food safety, Biotechnology, Food chemistry, Sensory analysis, Molecular biology, Genetically modified foods, Organic food, Functional food, Innovative food

    Grants :

    •   Proiect PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2019-1170, Contract de cercetare 237 CI/2019 (Noiembrie 2019), Subprogram 1.1 - Human resources - Mobility projects for researchers, Competition 2019

    •  PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2018-0285 project, Research contract 31 CI / 2018 (November 2018), Subprogram 1.1 - Human resources - Mobility projects for researchers, Competition 2018

    •  PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2017-0990 project, Research contract 181 CI / 2017 (March 2018), Subprogram 1.1 - Human resources - Mobility projects for researchers, Competition 2018

    •  PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2018-1352 project, research contract 232 CI / 2018 (July - December 2018): Innovative menus for preschoolers

    •  PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2018-1428 project, Research contract 245 CI / 2018 (September - December 2018): Innovative confectionery

    •  Project PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2018-0722, Research contract 141 CI / 2017 (September 2017 - December 2018): Higher use of flour from hemp seeds, nettle seeds and mushrooms in order to obtain assortments innovative bakery by fortifying them

    •  Project PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0331, Research contract 57 CI / 2017 (July - December 2017): Higher capitalization of lentil flour in order to obtain innovative meat preparations by fortifying them

    •  PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0786 project, Research contract no. 133CI (September 2017 - March 2018): Bioconversion of fruits resulting from physiological falls into compositions rich in biologically active principles

    •  PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0766 project, Research contract no. 138CI (September 2017 - March 2018): Innovative approach to the technology of manufacturing aerated sugar products by optimizing the composition links - process parameters - texture - stability

    •  PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0960 project, Research contract no. 161CI (July - December 2018): Innovative ingredients used to make cheese

    •  PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-1367 project, Research contract no. 236CI / 2018 (July - December 2018): Innovative culinary concept for reformulating personalized menus with high nutritional value

    •  PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-1047 project, Research contract no. 181CI / 2018 (July - December 2018):
    Flour-based nutritional sticks compositions from seed-dried seeds from cucurbitaceae, asteraceae and amaranthaceae families

    •  Project PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0343, Research contract no. no. 58CI / 2017 (July - December 2017): Fortified innovative meat preparations

    • Project PN-II-IN-CI -2013 -1- 0048, Research contract no 186CI / 2013 (October 2013 - April 2014): Technology for obtaining a functional mustard assortment with extract from medicinal plants

    URL :

    List of Publications :

    Publications ISI web of science

    1.R.A. Vlaic, A., E. Mureşan, C.C. Mureşan, G.S. Petruţ, V. Mureşan, S. Muste, 2018. Quantitative Analysis by HPLC and FT-MIR Prediction of Individual Sugars from the Plum Fruit Harvested during Growth and Fruit Development, Agronomy 2018, 8, 306; doi:10.3390/agronomy8120306, IF 1.419, Q1 red area. WOS:000454722400034/  doi:10.3390/agronomy8120306

    2. R.A. Vlaic, S.A. Socaci, A.E. Mureșan, C. Mureșan, O.P. Moldovan, S. Muste,  V. Mureșan, 2017, Bioactive Compounds and Volatile Profile Dynamics During Fruit Growth of Several Plums Cultivars, J. Agr. Sci. Tech. Vol. 19: 1565-1576, IF 0.813, Q2 yellow area. WOS:000424077200011/ URL:

    3.  R.A. Vlaic, V. Mureşan, A.E. Mureşan, C.C. Mureşan, A. Păucean, V. Mitre, S.M. Chiş, S. Muste, 2018. The Changes of Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Anthocyanins and Chlorophyll Content in Plum Peels during Growth Phases: from Fructification to Ripening, Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 2018, 46(1):148-155, IF 0.648. WOS:000418033200020/

    4. A.E. Mureşan, S. Muste, R.A. Vlaic, O. Bobiş, C. Mureşan, C. Socaciu, Mureşan V., 2015, HPLC Determination and FT-MIR Prediction of Sugars from Juices of Different Apple Cultivars during Fruit Development, Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 43(1):222-228, IF 0.547. WOS:000357000600034/ DOI:

    5. M.S Chiș., A. Păucean, L. Stan, V. Mureșan, R.A. Vlaic, S. Man , Biriș-Dorhoi E.S., S. Muste, 2018. Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 in quinoa sourdough adaptability and antioxidant potential, Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 23(3), 13581-13591, IF 0.412. WOS:000438498900004

    6. M.D. Borș, C.A. Semeniuc, S. Socaci, R. Vlaic, O.P. Moldovan, A.V. Pop, M. Tofană, 2017, The influence of variety and processing on the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of mustard, Romanian Biotechnological Letters 22(3):12514-12519, IF: 0.396. WOS:000408423600018

    7. E.A. Mureşan, S. Muste, C.C. Mureşan, E. Mudura, A. Păucean, L. Stan, R.A. Vlaic, C.G. Cerbu, V.Mureşan, 2017, Assessment of Polyphenols, Chlorophylls, and Carotenoids during Developmental Phases of Three Apple Varieties, Romanian Biotechnological Letters 22(3): 12546-12553, IF: 0.396. WOS:000404459100006

    8. C.C. Mureşan, A.Fărcaş, S. Man, R. Suharoschi, R.A. Vlaic*, 2017, Obtaining a Functional Product Through the Exploitation of Mushroom Flour in Pasta, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Food Science and Technology 74(1):14-22 IF 0.00. WOS:000408457100003/ DOI: 10.15835/buasvmcn-fst:12641

    9. R.A. Vlaic, C.C. Mureşan, S. Muste, V. Mureşan, A. Pop, G. Petruţ, A. Mureşan, 2019, Boletus Edulis Mushroom Flour-Based Wheat Bread as Innovative Fortified Bakery Product, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science and Technology 76(1): 46-56, IF 0.00, WOS:000470756300006,

    DOI: 10.15835/buasvmcn-fst:2018.0022

    10. A.E. Mureşan, S. Muste, G. Petruţ, R.A. Vlaic, S.M. Man, V. Muresan, 2016, New uses of hawthorn fruits in tonic wines technology, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 73(2): 117-122. WOS:000408454100010

    11. Racolţa E., E.A. Mureșan, A. Borșa, R.A. Vlaic, V. Mureșan, 2016, Ultra-Fine Friction Grinding of Sunflower Kernels – Thereof Tahini and Halva Production and Rheological Characterization, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Food Science and Technology, 73(2):167-168. WOS:000408454100025

    12. E.A. Muresan, S. Muste, S.M. Man, R.A. Vlaic, A. Pop, V.Muresan, 2016, Assesment of the total antioxidant capacity of apples peels during phisiological falls, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 73(2): 169-170. WOS:000408454100026

    13. M.D. Borş, C.A. Semeniuc, S. Socaci, L. Varva, O. Moldovan, R.A. Vlaic, M. Tofana, 2015, Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Radish as Influenced by the Variety and Vegetative Stage, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science and Technology. WOS:000422190500011

    14. A.V Pop, M. Tofană, S.A Socaci, M. Nagy, M.D. Borş, L. Salanţă, R. Vlaic, 2015, Studies on Total Polyphenols Content and Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extracts from Selected Salvia Species, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Food Science and Technology 72 (1): 86-90. WOS:000422190500013

    15. E.A. Mureşan, S. Muste, R.A. Vlaic, C.C. Mureşan, C.G. Cerbu, V. Mureşan, 2015, The Dynamics of Starch and Total Sugars during Fruit Development for Ionathan, Starkrimson and Golden Delicious Apple Varieties, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Food Science and Technology 72 (1): 120-126. WOS:000422190500019

    16. Moldovan O., A. Păucean, R. Vlaic, M.D. Borş, S. Muste, 2015, Preliminary Assessment of the Nutritional Quality of two Types of Lentils (Lens Culinaris) by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Technology (Nirs), Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca,  Food Science and Technology 72 (1):127-132. WOS:000422190500020

    17. C. Pop, R. Vlaic, A. Fărcaş, L. Salanţă, D. Ghicăşan, C. Semeniuc, A. M Rotar, 2015, Influence of Pollen, Chia Seeds and Cranberries Addition on the Physical and Probiotics Characteristics of Yogurt, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Food Science and Technology 72 (1): 141-142, WOS:000422190500025

    18. Vlaic R.A., A.E. Mureșan, V. Mureșan, C. Mureșan, D. Borș, O. P. Moldovan, S. Muste, 2015, Determination of Starch Changes During Growth and Development of Three Plum Varieties, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 72(2), WOS:000422194100022

    More Info.
    Ji-Hyun Bae
    Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition
    Keimyung University
    South Korea


    Education and Training:

    •    BS, Food Science and Nutrition, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, Korea

    •    MS, Food Science and Nutrition, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, Korea

    •    Ph.D., Food Science, Pennsylvania State University, USA

    •    Postdoctoral Research Associate, Division of Microbiology, Cornell University, USA

    •    Visiting Professor of Pediatrics - Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA


    1.    Bae, J.H. Tripartite genetic association between polygenetic risk scores for sweet taste preference, obesity, and sex. 2022 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (in review)

    2.    Bae, J.H., Park, D. J. Effect of dietary calcium on the gender-specific association between polymorphisms in the PTPRD locus and osteoporosis. 2022 Clinical Nutrition (in press).

    3.    Heo, H. J. Bae, J.H. Amano, A. Park, T. Choi, Y.H. Supplemental or dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids for the treatment of periodontitis: A meta–analysis 2022  Journal of Clinical Periodontology (in press)

    4.    Bae, J.H., Lee, H. R. The effect of diet, exercise, and lifestyle intervention on childhood obesity: A network meta-analysis. 2021 Clinical Nutrition 3062 – 3072.

    5.    Bae, J.H., Choi, J. H. Gender disparities in childhood obesity and household food insecurity. 2021 Nutrition 87-88.

    6.    Bae, J.H., Ha, E. Y. Zinc transporter SLC39A11 polymorphisms are associated with chronic gastritis in the Korean population: the possible effect on spicy food intake. 2018 Nutrition Research. 78-85.

    7.    Bae, J.H., Kim, G. Systematic review and meta-analysis of omega-3-fatty acids in elderly patients with depression. 2018 Nutrition Research 50:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2017.10.013

    8.    Bae, J.H., Obounou, B. O. Presence of Dental Caries Is Associated with Food Insecurity and Frequency of Breakfast Consumption in Korean Children and Adolescents. Prev. Nutr. Food Sci. 2018;23(2):94-101

    9.    Bae, J.H., Kim, G. Vitamin D and atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2016 Nutrition 32(9):913-20. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2016.01.023.

    10.    Bae, J.H., Park, S. Probiotics for weight Loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2015,
        Nutrition Research, 566-575 doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2015.05.008

    11.    Bae, J.H., Park, S. Fermented food intake is associated with a reduced likelihood of atopic dermatitis in an adult population (KNHANES 2012–2013), 2015, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 125-133.

    12.    Bae, J.H., Choi, H.S., Park, S. Instant noodle, processed food intake, and dietary pattern are associated with atopic dermatitis in an adult population (KNHANES 2009- 2011), 2015, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 602-613.

    13.    Bae, J.H., Miller, K.J. Identification of two proline transport systems in Staphylococcus aureus and their possible roles in osmoregulation, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58(2), 471-475

    14.    Bae, J.H., Miller, K.J.Identification of a high-affinity glycine betaine transport system in Staphylococcus aureus, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59(8), 2734-2736

    15.    Bae, J.H., Miller, K.J. Glycine betaine and proline are the principal compatible solutes of Staphylococcus aureus: Current Microbiology, 23, 131-137

    16.    Bae, J.H. Effects of Ganoderma lucidum on the IL-1, TNF and IL-12 gene expression of macrophage, J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr., 26(5), 978-982

    17.    Bae, J.H. Effect of White Ginseng on the function of mouse peritoneal macrophages and their gene expression, J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr., 26(6), 1252-1257

    18.    Bae, J.H. et al. Development of the functional beverage containing the Prunus mume extracts, Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 32(3), 713-719

    More Info.
    Poritosh Roy
    School of Engineering
    University of Guelph

    Food processing, packaging & preservation; food quality & distribution

    More Info.
    Luigi Schiavo
    Clinical Nutritionist
    Department of Anaesthesiology
    University of Naples

     Dietetics applied to bariatric surgery. Clinical impact of bariatric surgery on patient’s body composition (fat mass and fat-free mass) and Resting Metabolic Rate. Pre- and post-operative treatment of micronutrient deficiencies in patients that underwent bariatric surgery

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    Eugenia Bezirtzoglou
    Department of MicroBiology
    University of Thrace

    Study of normal fecal flora in adults and newborns and influence parameters in the colonization process

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    Roberto Consonni
    National Council of Research
    Institute for Macromolecular Studies, NMR Laboratory

    Multidimensional and multinuclear (1H, 13C, 15N, 31P) high resolution NMR

    spectroscopy, micro imaging NMR

    Structural characterization of peptides, proteins and isotopically labeled proteins in

    solution: NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics calculations

    l Structural characterization of small molecules in solution, synthetic and natural

    polymers, molecular complexes

    More Info.
    Hyeung-Rak Kim
    Department of Food Science and Nutrition
    Pukyong National University

    Research Interest: Isolation and characterization of bioactive (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer) compounds in seaweed. Development of anti-obesity functional foods/nutraceuticals Development of natural antioxidants and ingredients that reduce cardiovascular inflammation

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    Sangmin Jeon
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    Pohang University of Science and Technology

    Research Interest: Functional Nano particles, Biosensors, Food borne Diseases, Residual Antibiotics

    More Info.
    Byeong-Churl Jang
    Associate Professor
    Department of Molecular Medicine
    Keimyung University
    South Korea

    Research Interest: Screening/elucidation of action mechanism of functional foods and nutrients with anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, anti-obesity and/or anti-diabetes activity Regulation of disease-related gene expression. Regulation of adipocyte differentiation (adipogenesis) Regulation pancreatic. cell growth and activity,Apoptosis and autophagy

    More Info.
    Javier Miguel Ochando-Pulido
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    University of Granada

    Research Interest: Water And Wastewater Treatment Processes, Including Coagulation-Flocculation, Advanced Oxidation Processes Comprising Homogeneous Catalytic Processes (Fenton’s Oxidation) And Heterogeneous Photocatalysis (With Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Under Ultraviolet Irradiation), Biosorption With Raw Materials And Solid Waste By-Products (Such As Olive Stones), Decanting And Sedimentation, Filtration, And Advanced Separation Operations Such As Ion Exchange And Membrane Technology, Specifically Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration And Reverse Osmosis.

    More Info.
    Pedro Jose Gonzalez Matarin
    Department of Physical Education
    University of Almería

    Research Interest: Programming Health, Physical Activity, and Nutrition in all Ages and Different Physiological Situations Preferently in Postmenopausal Women and Elderly Men. He has Special Interest in Women in Climateric Phase and Men and Women with Diseases Due Aging Such as Sarcopenia, Cancer, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer, Physical Disability Also Your Interest is in Exercise Physiology, Healthly Lifestyle, Obesity And Menopause with Associated Factors.

    More Info.
    Jesus Simal-Gandara
    Department of Nutrition and Food Science
    University of Vigo

    Research Interest: Development of food authenticity tools based on HPLC-MS/MS, fate of pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, poly chlorobiphenyls and heavy metals in crops: transport and degradation processes in soils, and links with their levels in waters and food products, effect of pre- and post-harvest, technological and cooking treatments on food functionality.

    More Info.
    Vito Verardo
    Department of Chemistry and Physics
    University of Almera

    Research Interest: Characterization of Bioactive And Potentially Toxic Compounds in Food And Biological Samples by Advanced Analytical Techniques (GC-FID And GC-MS; HPLC or Nanolc Coupled with DAD, FLD, And MS Detectors); Development of New Food Enriched of Bioactive Compounds and Characterization and Valorization Of Food Byproducts; Study of Lipid Oxidation And Strategies to Limit it

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    Baojun (Bruce) Xu
    Department of Science and Technology
    Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College

    Research Interest: Health Benefits Targeted at Aging, Cancers, Obesity, and Diabetes Assessment Of Phytochemicals From Legumes, Fruits, Vegetables, Traditional Chinese Medicines Through in Vitro Animal Cell Models Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Bioactive Food Components in Disease Prevention; Development of Novel Health Promoting Products.

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    Da-xi Ren
    Associate Professor
    College of Animal Science
    Zhejiang University

    Research Interest: Effect of process on milk components and milk product quality and function. Cheese and functional dairy products development. Effect of animal nutrition and feed technology on milk and dairy products quality. 

    More Info.
    Chao Zhang
    Associate Professor
    Beijing Vegetable Research Center
    Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences

    Research Interest: Functional ingredients in Food Phytochemistry, such as the polyphenol, anthocyanin, lycopene, and resveratrol, has presented the antioxidant and many other biologic activities. The enrichment, functionality and application of the anthocyanin and lycopene have been our focus for more than twenty years.New technologies in Food. Application of new technologies will give a solution for current problem in food. We have focus on the ultra high pressure treatment in the pork and vegetable. The quality and shelf life of the product were changed. The proper parameter of the high pressure treatment will be a key to enhance the quality of the food. Energy saving technology in food processing. Drying is a traditional technology for a long time. Energy saving and better quality are the two main melodies in the drying technology. The combination of heat pump and some other technology will give a way for the better efficiency and better quality of products.

    More Info.
    Zhong Kai Zhou
    School of Food Engineering and Biotechnology
    Tianjin University of Science and Technology

    Research Interest: Plant Chemistry, Plant Protein Biochemistry,  Lipids/oil Biochemistry, Microbiology/Animal Biotechnology

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    Tao Zuo
    Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
    Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Research Interest: Science and Nutrition, Including Bioactive Components Extraction, Purification and Its Bioactivities, in Particular, Intestinal Mucosal Immunity, Cell Biology.

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    Chen Xiaoqiang
    Associate Professor
    Hubei University of Technology

    Research Interest: Physicochemical Characteristics and Biological Activities of Natural Products of Tea and Other Plants, Tea Deep Processing Technology and Developments for Functional Food

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    Bin Du
    Senior Experimentalist
    Department of Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry
    Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology

    Research Interest: Polysaccharide; Structure; Biological Activity; Conformation; Anti-Inflammatory Activity; Mushroom

    More Info.
    Saiyi Zhong
    Associate Professor
    Department of Food Science and Technology
    Guangdong Ocean University

    Research Interest: "Food-derived Mutagens and Carcinogens, Anticancer Food Factors,- Bioactive Chemopreventive Food Components.

    More Info.
    Wenjiao Fan
    Associate Professor
    Department of Food Science
    Sichuan Tourism University

    Research Interest: Food chemistry, Food Analysis Science, Natural Products Chemistry.  

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    Zhang Xiaomei
    Food and Agricultural Products Testing Agency
    Shan Dong University

    Research Interest: Pesticides, Veterinary Durgs and Microbiology Testing in Food

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    Yixian Wang
    Research Associate
    College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science
    Zhejiang University

    Research Interest: Food safety Nano materials Biomolecules detection Microfluidic technique; Electrochemistry Impedance Fluorescence

    More Info.
    Mu Taihua
    Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Nutrition Science
    Ministry of Agriculture

    Research Interest: He was a researcher of Fruit and Vegetable Innovation

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    Guobao Song
    Associate Professor
    School of Environmental Science and Technology
    Dalian University of Technology
    Biography: I am interested in ecological and social vulnerability in the context of climate change, and what environmental policy maximizes greenhouse gases emission, reduce vulnerability and improve adaption capacity. To assess vulnerability and generate effective policy, I use multiple technologies, such as GIS, remote sensing, uncertainty optimization, Bayesian modelling and statistic method. Multi-disciplinary studies of eco-vulnerability assessment, eco-corridor planning, population simulation, optimal uses of crop straw, food consumption and malaria risk associated with climate change have been conducted. The overall goal of my research is to provide the necessary and quantitative understanding on the impact of climate change and support reliable decision makings on climate mitigation and adaptation.
    More Info.
    Zhang Hongwei
    Senior Engineer
    Food and Agricultural Products Testing Agency
    Quarantine Bureau

    Research Interest: Multi-residue analysis based on MS technology in foodstuff

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    Xia Yong-Mei
    State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology
    Jiangnan University

    Research Interest: Functional carbohydrates, Enzymatic synthesis.

    More Info.
    Hong Yang
    Department of Food Science and Technology
    Huazhong Agricultural University

    Research Interest: Functionality of food and agricultural products, Developing value-added products, Developing novel food processing technologies for inactivation of pathogens, Rapid determination of pathogens by spectroscopy, Rheological characterizations of food and agricultural products

    More Info.
    Chan-Min Liu
    Department of School of Life Science
    Jiangsu Normal University

    Research Interest: Toxicology, Pharmacology, natural product Biochemistry, Pathology, cell singing pathway, Ethnobotanical

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    Suqing Zhao
    Department of Pharmacy Engineering
    Guangzhou University

    Research Interest: Synthesis and Identification of artificial antigen, preparing of polyclone and monoclonal antibody, Building rapid determination method for pathogenic microorganism and toxic chemical. Identification of plant extracts and developing Anti-cancer drugs. 

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    Yousheng Wang
    Department of Bioengineering
    Beijing Technology and Business University

    Research Interest: Signal Transduction, Functional Food, Postharvest Biology and Technology

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    Hongnan Sun
    nstitute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology
    Ministry of Agriculture

    Research Interest: Functional and Nutritional Properties Of Potato and Sweetpotato Components, Comprehensive Utilization Of potato And Sweet Potato by products,E.G. Extraction and Activity Evaluation of Polyphenols, Anthocyanins, Etc.

    More Info.
    Xueqiang Zha
    School of Biotechnology and Food Engineering
    Hefei University of Technology

    Research Interest: The Functions of food components. Molecular mechanisms underlying the function of food components. The theory and method of extraction and separation for food components.

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    Hongyuan Yan
    College of Pharmaceutical Science
    Hebei University

    Research Interest: Separation & Purification and Quality Control of Food Science New Functional Materials for Food and Pharmaceutical Analysis.

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    Xingbin Yang
    Dean and Professor
    College of Food Engineering and Nutritional Science
    Shaanxi Normal University

    Research Interest: Nutritional Biochemistry and Functional Foods development of Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals from Plants

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    Wenjun Liu
    Assistant Professor
    Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Engineering,Agricultural University
    Inner Mongolia Agricultural University

    Research Interest: Microbial Diversity in Traditionally Fermented Dairy Products as Determined by Metogenomic Sequence Analysis.

    More Info.
    Boleslaw Tomasz Karwowski
    Department of Food Science
    Medical University of Lodz

    Research Interest: DNA, RNA, Nucleic Acids Synthesis, DNA Damage and Depair, Theoretical Chemistry, Antioxidants, Food Biophysics

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    Anna Lesniewicz
    Faculty of Chemistry
    Wrocław University of Technology

    Research Interest: Atomic Spectrometry, Food Analysis, Nutrition, Micronutrients, Trace Elements

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    Hector Eduardo Martinez Flores
    Department of Chemical Pharmacobiology
    Michoacan University of San Nicolas de Hidalgo

    Research Interest: Chemistry Environmental Engineering Biotechnology Bacterial molecular biology Biostatistics Bioinformatics Anaerobic Bio-technologies

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    Ingrid S Surono
    Visiting Professor
    Food Technology department
    Bina Nusantara University

    Probiotic Food, Probiotic Function, Traditional Fermented Food, Food Microbiology, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Diet, Nutrition, and Immunity

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    Victor Castro Alves
    Departament of Food Science and Experimental Nutrition
    University of Sao Paulo

    Research Interest: "Agricultural Sciences, Food Science and Technology, Food Science Agricultural Sciences Food Science and Technology Hormones Biological Sciences Biochemistry Biological Sciences Immunology

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    Vodnar Assistant
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Food Science
    University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

    Research Interest: Functional Foods Edible Films Related to Food Pathogens Bioconversion tf Food Waste in Valuable Organic Chemicals

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    Liana Salanta
    Assistant Professor
    University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

    Dr. Liana Claudia Salanță, 38 years old, an Associate Professor at UASVM CN, has 13 years of research expertise focusing on biologically active compounds with antioxidant properties in various vegetal matrices for applications in the food industry. Her focus includes developing and optimizing functional products, sensory evaluation, and assessing consumer acceptability in alcoholic and non-alcoholic cereal-based beverages, as validated by her extensive publication record: 62 ISI scientific papers, 40+ articles in International Database Journals, 6 International Book Chapters, and 2 patent applications. Notably, she has edited an international book and contributed to 2 WOS indexes' special issues. Engaging in 12 national and international research projects, her interdisciplinary approach is evident, supported by bibliometric indicators with an h-index of 12 (WoS) and 19 (Scholar).

    Research Interest: Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry  (GC-MS), Conductometry (CV) Spectroscopy Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis), Physico- Chemical and Microbiological Analysis Food Products

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    Ibrahim Hakan Bucak
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pediatric
    Adiyaman University

    Research Interest: Food Insecurity, General Pediatrics, Pediatrics Emergency, Rotaviruses, Vitamin D, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Contact Dermatitis, Traditional Practices

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    Pinar Kadiroglu
    Associate Professor
    Department of Food Engineering
    Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University

    Research Interest: Food Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Electronic Sensor technology, Food Quality and Safety, Multivariate Data Analysis


    1. Ilgaz C., Kelebek H., Kadiroglu P., 2024. Bioactivity, DNA Damage Protecting and Aroma Potential of Oleuropein Enriched Olive Leaf Extract by Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Process, eFood, 5(1), e134.
    2. Buyukkurt O.K., Guclu G., Sevindik O., Kelebek H., Kadiroglu P., Selli S., 2024. Characterization of aroma and aroma-active compounds of blackcarrot (Daucus carota L. ssp. sativus var. atrorubens Alef.) pomaceby aroma extract dilution analysis , Heliyon, 10, e35013.
    3. Ilgaz C., Kelebek H., Kadiroglu P., 2023. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Hydroxytyrosol from Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Fermented Olive Leaves: Process Optimization and Bioactivity Assessment, Fermentation, 9(6), 514.
    4. Sasmaz, H.K., Adal, E, Kadiroglu, P., Selli, S., Uzlasir, T., Kelebek, H., 2023. Optimization of complex coacervation parameters for the production of encapsulated black garlic using response surface methodology, Journal of Food Science, 4425-4439.
    5. Sasmaz, HK, Kadiroglu, P, Adal E., Sevindik, O, Aksay O., Erkin O.C., Selli S., Kelebek H., 2023. Optimization of black garlic production parameters using response surface methodology: Assessment and characterization of bioactive properties Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 34, 100477.
    6. Sevim D, Köseoğlu O, Kadiroğlu P, Guclu G, Ulaş M, Selli S. 2023. Elucidation of key odorants and sensory properties of five different extra virgin olive oils of Turkey by GC-MS-Olfactometry. Grasas Aceites, e504.
    7. Sevindik, O, Guclu, G, Agirman, B, Selli, S., Kadiroglu, P, Bordiga, M, Capanoglu, E, Kelebek, H. 2022, Impacts of selected lactic acid bacteria strains on the aroma and bioactive compositions of fermented gilaburu (Viburnum opulus) juices. Food Chemistry, 378, 132079.
    8. Sevim D., Köseoğlu O., Pazir F., Ova G., Kadiroğlu P., Alper Y. 2022. Oxidative stability of olive oils with supercritical carbon dioxide extracts of olive leaf. La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse (Accepted).
    9. Ekici, H., Kadiroğlu P. İlğaz C., 2021, Next-generation sequencing of shalgam flavor influencing microflora. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,
    10. Kırlangıç, O. İlğaz C., Kadiroğlu P. 2021, Influence of pasteurization and storage conditions on microbiological quality and aroma profiles of shalgam. Food Bioscience, Volume 44, Part A, December 2021, 101350.
    11. İlğaz C., Kadiroğlu P. 2021, Fourier transform-infrared assessment of cholesterol effect on antibiotic resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,
    12. Uzlasir T., Kadiroğlu P., Selli S., Kelebek H. 2020, LC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS characterization of elderberry flower (Sambucus nigra) phenolic compounds in ethanol, methanol, and aqueous extracts, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.14478. 
    13. Kelebek H., Sonmezdağ, A.S., Guclu, G., Cengiz N., Uzlasir T., Kadiroğlu P., Selli S. 2020, Comparison of phenolic profile and some physicochemical properties of Uzun pistachios as influenced by different harvest period, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.14605.
    14. Tanriseven D., Kadiroğlu P., Selli S., Kelebek H. 2020, LC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS-assisted elucidation of the phenolic compounds in shalgams: Comparison of traditional and direct methods, Food Chemistry, 305, 125505.
    15. Kadiroğlu P., Aydemir L.Y., Akçakaya G. 2018, Prediction of functional properties of registered chickpea samples using FT-IR spectroscopy and chemometrics, LWT- Food Science and Technology, 93, 463-469.
    16. Kadiroğlu P. 2018, FTIR Spectroscopy For Prediction of Quality Parameters and Antimicrobial Activity of Commercial Vinegars with Chemometrics, Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(11):4121-4127.
    17. Kadiroğlu P., Korel F., Pardo, M. 2019, Chemometric analysis of chemo-optical data for the assessment of olive oil blended with hazelnut oil, La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse, 96, 123-130.
    18. Kemahlıoğlu O.K., Kendirci P., Kadiroğlu P., Yücel U., Korel F. 2019, Effect of different raw materials on aroma fingerprints of “boza” using an e-nose and sensory analysis. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, ISSN 1757-837X online, DOI 10.3920/QAS2019.1584.
    19. Sevim D., Köseoğlu O., Öztürk Güngör F., Kaya Ü., Kadiroğlu P., Pamuk Mengü G., Akkuzu E. 2019, Determination of deficit irrigation treatments on olive fruit quality and olive oil (Memecik cv.). Chemical composition and antioxidant properties, La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse, 96, 85-100.
    20. Köseoglu O., Sevim D., Kadiroğlu, P. 2019, Effect of filtration on quality properties of extra virgin olive oils during storage. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 96(3), 291-301.
    21. Davarcı, A., Kadiroğlu, P., Dıblan, S., Selli, S., Kelebek H. 2019, Influence of processing steps on phenolic composition of clarified and unclarified pomegranate juices as characterized by LCDADESIMS/MS, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.14018.
    22. Sevim D., Köseoğlu O., Casale M., Altunoğlu Y., Kadiroğlu P. 2018, Influence of microwave heating on quality parameters and chemical characteristics of Turkish olive oils, La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse, 95(4):229-237.
    23. Irmak S., Kadiroğlu P., Ötleş S., 2017, Evaluation of Olive Preservation Methods on Bioactive Constituents and Antioxidant Properties of Olive Oils, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 94(4)-565-609.
    24. Kelebek H., Kadiroğlu P., Demircan N.B., Selli S., 2017, Screening of Bioactive Components in Grape and Apple Vinegar's: Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potential, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 10.1002/jib.432
    25. Kelebek H., Selli S., Kadiroğlu P., Kola O., Kesen S., Uçar B., Çetiner B., 2017, Bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential in tomato pastes as affected by hot and cold break process, Food Chemistry, 220, 31-41

    More Info.
    Mustafa Kiralan
    Department of Food Engineering
    Abant Izzet Baysal University

    Research Interest: EssentialOils, Antioxidants, Phytochemicals,Chromatography, Phytochemistry, Antioxidant Activity

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    Fatih Ozogul
    Department of Seafood Processing Technology
    Cukurova University

    Research Interest: Instrumentation: HPLC, INFRA-RED, GC, GS-MS, Spectrophotometer, Texture analyzer Microbiological: Basic microbiology, Enterobacteriaceae, Isolation and Identification of bacteria, Analytical Profile Index (API) test. Sensorial: Fish freshness evaluation test

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    Seda Ersus Bilek
    Associated Professor
    Department of Food Engineering
    Ege University

    Research Interest: Food Processing (Pasteurization,Sterilization, Cooling, Drying) , Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Food Engineering Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Supercritical Fluid Extraction, Pulsed Electric Field, Extraction of Bioactives, Natural Food Colorants, Microencapsulation

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    Nukhet N Demirel Zorba
    Associate Professor
    Department of Food Engineering
    Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University

    Research Interest: General Microbiology, Food Microbiology

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    Zehra GULER
    Department of Food Engineering
    Mustafa Kemal University Hatay

    Research Interest: Milk and Dairy Products Science & Technology Chromatographic Analysis Techniques in Foods Volatile Compound Analysis in Fruits

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    Chang-Wei Hsieh
    Department of Medicinal Botanicals and Health Applications
    Da-Yeh University

    Research Interest: Food Processing, Health Food and Cosmetics, Research of Chinese Herbal Medicine Research, Agricultural Biotechnology, Supercritical Fluid, and Mycology

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    S. Dutta Gupta
    Former Professor
    Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology

    Dr. S. Dutta Gupta, a Former Professor of Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, has worked for more than 3 decades in the area of Plant Developmental Biology. He is a pioneer in the application of Plant image analysis for non-invasive real time estimation of chlorophyll content, photosynthetic ability and early detection of wilting following artificial intelligence, PRI and thermal imaging. He has been able to bring engineering-plant tissue culture link to a new dimension of understanding. He has also contributed significantly to the application of light-emitting diodes in regulating plant morphogenesis and the biosynthesis of metal nanoparticle. Dr. Dutta Gupta has received fellowships/grants from various agencies and governments such as United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Lockheed Martin, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Czech Academy of Sciences and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). He has published more than 100 scientific articles and edited 5 books published by Springer and CRC Press and also featured in the Stanford University ranking of top 2 per cent scientists globally during 2021-22 in the category Plant Biology.

    Research Interest: Bioactivity of Medicinal Plants, Plant Image Analysis Impact of LED on Plant Morphogenesis

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    Amit Bandyopadhyay
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Biotechnology
    University College of Science & Technology

    Research Interest: Cardiorespiratory Fitness or VO2max Body composition, Anthropometry,   Somatotyping Pulmonary Function Test Fitness Profile Testing

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    Navneet Batra
    Associate Professor
    Department of Biotechnology
    GGDSD College

    Research Interest: Natural Microbial Communities of The Hot Water Springs, Molecular Phylogenetic Exploration Of Bacterial Diversity, Isozymes Of Beta-Galactosidase from Bacillus Coagulans RCS3, Culture Dependent 23srna Bacterial Asparaginase, Leukemia, Poly Beta Hydroxyl Butyrate Biodegradable Plastics, Bioinformatics in Detecting Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Snake Venom Protein of Indian Venomous Species

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    J. Prakash Maran
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Food Technology
    Kongu Engineering College

    Research Interest: Development of Biodegradable Edible Films, Extraction of Bioactive Compounds Using EMR Technologies and Application of Statistical Experimental Design in Development of Food Products.

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    Rakesh Jaiswal
    Manager R&D
    Unilever Ltd

    Research Interest: Food chemistry; Flavour chemistry; Taste, flavor and Aroma

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    Prem Raj Shakya
    Department of Biochemistry
    Patan Academy of Health Sciences

    Research Interest: Clinical Biochemistry, Nutrition, Cancer, Exercise Metabolism, Metabolic disorders, Bio signalling, Community based Research, Immunological basis of disease

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    Oshra Saphier
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    Sami Shamoon College of Engineering

    Research Interest: Oxidative Stress Studies, Using Spectroscopic And Kinetic Techniques. Trace Elements Measurement In The Follicular Fluid, Using The ICP-MS Techniques. Characterization And Analytical Studies Of Antioxidants In Biological Media, Using Spectroscopic And Electrochemical Techniques.

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    Muhammad Naseem Khan
    Scientific Officer
    Food and Marine Resources Research Center
    University of Karachi

    Research Interest: DuPont Bax system (PCR base Food Pathogens testing) DuPont LFS and 3M Petrifilm Rapid check test kit. PCR  Electrophoresis Spectrophotometery Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology Microbiological Media preparation Reference standard Culture maintenance  Food and Water microbiological analysis  Microbiological Quality Assurance & Planning  Technical Consultancy to Industries  HACCP  cGMP  ISO  HPLC  Project Management Quality Assurance

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